End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week Two

This week we walked. We groomed. We actually barked and trotted behind Skally. We even made attempts to play with other dogs and Skally. We grew hungrier and greedier, but there is more life and love.

Rusty has taken to putting his head on my lap and putting his paw on me if he wants attention. He gives me those big eyes that look innocently askance, and manipulate me into giving him lots of attention.

Skally watches him from across the room.

When company comes over - such as Annemarie with her cockapoo, Sammy, Rusty seems eager to participate and he's such a pushover - but I have a feeling his size grants him permission to dominate - especially over Skally. Well, this may change.

His bark - yes he's barking a bit more, now, is high pitched. Skally will begin barking and then I'll bark back and soon we have the three of us smiling and laughing whilst we make the most glorious cacophony! I suppose this is a pack building exercise.

At the park, Rusty is beginning to join us in our chasing about, and he is more lively and more eager to become a part of the pack. Skally is beginning to see him as a non-threat - but he did anger her the other night, and she came at him. He just turned away, which I could tell frustrated her more. But that's the life.

Rusty will have a vet's visit this next week, for the first time in 7 years. We'll know more after this, insofar as his health, and perhaps some issues he may have. I pray he's healthy (and healthier) and on his way to continued life.

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