End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 9, 2011 Day 3

Well, we slept in a bit. Then we went walking. Rusty was a little faster, but still sluggish. We went on a longer journey which was about twice as long, and he seemed to do well. Skally got her walk in and seemed to appreciate her "Princess Time" with me.

Another tooth brushing (twice a day, now), and then I headed off to PetUtopia and Petsmart to get more enhanced chicken strips and Nylabones for them. I ended up buying lots of canned food and some plaque enzymes to go into the food, while shopping.

We went to the park, and once again, Rusty parked himself in the shade but not until after he had done some wandering - this was progress! O! how my heart lept for joy. And then he came trotting (note the word 'trotting') over to the picnic table where people were gathered, and he demanded attention from everyone there.

Skally and I went to the open area and we played cat and mouse, where she tries to sneak up on me and I whirl around and she runs away. We did this for a while, with me doing the same to her, and then we chased each other for a bit. I looked up and saw Rusty sitting under a tree watching us. Again. Progress.

We came home and he ate heartily, followed with a toothbrushing and a treat for them both. His breathing seemed to be growing less labored, and he was beginning to exhibit signs of a loving personality - even with Skally eyeballing him from across the room.

Skally wasn't too sure even at this point, about Rusty. She has accepted the fact he is here, and as he is not a female, she isn't the typical bully she tends to be. She came at him once when he seemed to want her food in her bowl, but that was settled as soon as it happened. However, the bonding between them has a ways to go.

He slept better, and I found that I was able to sleep through the night without waking up to his wheezing and snorts. This was great comfort.

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