End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25


Yesterday, Rusty cascaded down the back stairs into the yard and his leg seemed a little dinged up. I was quite worried - so for the most part of the day, he wasn't allowed out the door to the yard.

This afternoon, after lunch with Miss Yvonne, I stopped by Parr Lumber and bought some strip stuff for stairs, that would give grip to his and Skally's pads, along with some nails, to ensure they would stay.

I got home this evening, before I needed to head out again, and put them on. He still slipped - but not much. It was with great facility he glided down, and his upward climb was much less of a trial.

Now, the good news.

Whilst in the yard, Skally was talking trash to me and Rusty kept coming out to go down, but I was in the midst of putting on the strips. Finally, when I finished, Rusty came down, and I cleaned up the strip mess. Then, back in the yard, Skally wanted to play "Cat & Mouse". I roared at her and she began to bark - with that mischievous grin (note the spelling on "Mischievous - there is no "e" sound after the 'v', so stop mispronouncing it, please!), then she hied herself into the shrubs with me following and her barking - of course, Rusty had to join in. When she tried to get out, he was waiting for her - this she found to be not so good. But she still slammed her way out through the shrubs, past a barking Rusty, and around again, now that I was out. She then ran, bouncing in her girlie way, into the thick of the laurel bushes. I sent Rusty after her and he did- bounding away. He caught her and she turned.

This went on for about 10 minutes until they were both tired. There was no nastiness, and they began to bond a bit more. My heart is doing well.

Now, there is the issue of the doggie door. I did convince Rusty to use it to come out at one point, and then, just to begin adjusting him to it, I had him go back in using it - this required much less coaxing. Now, I need to get him to grow more comfortable using it so he can utilize it whilst I'm at work once classes begin, and I shouldn't worry about his bladder bursting in the house! Please pray with me, that this task becomes easier before Monday. :)

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