End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 8, 2011 Day Two

Up we sprang at 4:15 am. The skies were still dark and Skally was still asleep in the hallway. Rusty followed me to the front door and went out, painfully, to relieve himself.

Both dogs were given a chicken strip, and Rusty had an edible pill for joint strength and lubrication, followed by a thorough brushing of his teeth. He seemed to accept it and smacked his hearty jowls afterward.

Then once I had some coffee and was dressed, the three of us headed out for a short walk (the same as the night before) for Rusty. He moved sluggishly and painfully. I was afraid of pushing him too hard, lest his heart burst, or he lose any sense of mobility. It was apparent he hadn't been walked before, as his pads seemed to be too soft on the pavement and gravel of the paths through the greenways. Once home, he headed straight to the water bowl and drank and drank. Then Skally was taken for her walk - a much longer one and must faster paced.

At home, Rusty was given a half cup of his regular food (Beneful - his owners told me it was the best they could afford), and a near half cup of Aveno for his coat and skin. I also added a scoop of Spunk II, which has enzymes, condroiton, glucosamine, and other nutrients needed for the senior dog. I then added a forkful of canned dog food. He sniffed at it, and then ate some.

Needing to attend a conference that day, I took him outside in the backyard and let him wander - which for him was only to the brick and tie step to the yard. He lay down and just breathed. His breathing was still labored. Eventually, just before leaving, I hoisted him back up, leaving the back door open (I noted the day before he had some troubles squeezing through the doggie door, which Skally so skillfully uses). I then left for the conference.

Upon returning, I let him out the front door, and he let loose. He had held all that water in him all day. I couldn't believe it. We then went to the car and headed to the dog park.

At the dog park, Rusty came in a ways, sniffed a couple of the dogs, and then lay down in the shade. Skally found an un-neutered 2 year old corgie and she began her "Cougar Dance" with him.

After an hour or so, we walked out to walk around the park. Rusty moved tentatively, and wasn't as agile as 12 year old Skally. So, we kept walking, though, as he didn't seem to want to stop. Finally, we ended up in the car, with him absolutely worn out.

We got home and he didn't want to get out of the car. After great coaxing and pulling and prodding, he finally did. He came in and collapsed, then drank water and ate his food. Then he lay down and slept - with still great laborious breaths.

Before bed, his teeth were brushed, and he was allowed out the front door. Then he came back in and lay down in the bedroom, panting. I was positive I would find a dead dog in the morning, and I said a little prayer.

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