End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rusty Goes to the Vet

After a very good walk this morning, of approximately 1.5 miles, Rusty stopped only once for a rest - when Skally decided to spend an inordinate amount of time running around the schoolyard, and sniffing, rather than join us, re-leashed, on our hike up the hill to our home.

Of course, he was panting, and you could hear how hot he was, but he continued on upwards actually pulling me and Skally home. This was improvement from earlier, when he would need a few minutes of rest, occasionally, as we progressed on this same morning hike.

That afternoon, we drove down to Aloha Cat and Dog, where he was to see his new doctor, Doctor Leddy, who was also Skally's doctor. I came prepared with the morning's stool sample in the little black plastic bag meant for such an honor. The receptionist made a sour face as I handed it to her, as it seemed that only Dr. Leddy asked such a thing of her patients.

Well, his temperature was normal, and his weight was 87.3 pounds (on Facebook I said 87.5, only because it was an easier number and not as anal as 87.3). He checked out on all counts. Even his stool sample came back negative, which was awesome. His heart, lungs, ears, nose, eyes, and whatever else, passed with flying colours. Yippeee.

Doctor Leddy did tell me he needed to lose some weight (Duhr!). So she told me to bring him in monthly, or at least in 6 months to see how much he had lost. We're gearing toward a 15+ pound loss by December, if possible. His hips have huge fatty pockets on the side, and I feared, at first, they were tumors - but no. Another Hooorrayyy!

So, after his shots, he skedaddled out the door to the car.

One great note, is that his hips and his waist are now showing. When he is on his side, the fleshy folds around his "doodle" are greatly reduced. And, I can see his back paws, now, when he is lying down.

In the afternoon, we went to Hazeldale Dog Park, and he just rested in the heat, in the shade. Skally wanted to go for a walk - if only to run amongst the trees and dip her paws into the creek. Well, that didn't happen, so she had to be content with her wading pool and the pond at home.

That evening, they both had bones to gnaw on - Skally buried hers, and was quite secretive with her burial grounds. She even hid when Rusty and I came into the back yard.

Life is good.

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