End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week One Conclusion

Well, by Sunday, Rusty was a new dog. On Thursday, we walked a bit and he enjoyed the dogpark more than usual, with the sniffing, and just some more casual walking about. He also had a goodly walk which, as always, seemed to tire him out.

ON Friday, after a short walk (his pads seem to be callousing well) he went into the groomers. He wasn't all too thrilled about the event, and still unsure of his future when I handed him over - he didn't wish to go. But he did.

When I retrieved him, he was gorgeous, and his nails were clipped. He was greatly glad to see me, and pulled me (I didn't realize his power until now) out of the shop and to the car! Whereupon, he made a valiant attempt to jump in! Apparently, he hated it there, and was very anxious to get away! He wasn't able to make the leap, though, and I hoisted him up. This was a very good sign!

That afternoon, he and Skally took me for a walk through the wooded path near the park - both off leash, and Skally bounded, whilst Rusty trotted near me, occasionally stopping for a good smell.

Saturday, we went to Gabriel Park where he seemed more anxious to lay down and do much of nothing. However, we still walked and he was quite friendly with the other dogs.

I worry about him understanding his lot. I tell him as often as I can, hoping that I'm reaching him, and that he is able to comprehend why he came to live with us. It may be up to Faye, the dog psychic, to communicate all this with him, so his mind may rest at ease. However, he does miss the cats and his home. He does love sneaking over to Skally's food and having a bit of a bite - much to her chagrin. She and I have both stopped him, but he just smiles and walks away, thinking how unfair it is...

Sunday we hit Hondo dog park. He followed, and Skally romped and ran. He's still a little slow, but there is more life to him. Also, at this time, he is more able to go up and down the steps to the back yard, and seems to do so even on his own. This is marvelous!

All in all, this week has been very tough on him. He has been making great strides, and it shows. I'm still having to brush him - and his coat is beginning to cooperate. His teeth are much cleaner and his breathing is better. This may take more time than I had thought, but there are improvements each and every day. I'm hoping Skally begins to accept him.

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