End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Week's End

Well, Rusty had his nails taken WAAAAY in yesterday, after a very long 2.25 mile walk. Neither he nor Skally were very cooperative with the ladies at the salon, but once I had left, they were marvelous.

Afterward, we went to the park where Rusty began to show his colours as a herder; he took on two puppies that were racing about - infringing on his lounging territory, as it were, and he got up and began to manage them. It was intriguing to see him in action - of course, it was slightly glompy - insofar as his ability to move quickly, but he served the purpose. He's beginning to take on some tasks and feeling pretty darn good about them.

He is beginning to enjoy the yard. It would seem he is not liking the idea of the doggie door - if I am not there, then he won't use it - I need to hold it open and then he begrudgingly uses it. Not sure what to do on this on. I tried treats, but still nothing - Cubby & Syd took to it so fast. But then, they were outside so much of the time, and had also been members of the pack for years. Perhaps, soon, Skally will take him under her muzzle and force him to use it.

This morning he was quick and moving through the walk very well. Of course we did it later than usual, and he is sniffing more. There is still hair coming from him that demonstrates more brushing is required, but his shape and all that is coming through nicely. His coat and skin are beginning to show great lustre.

He is still my little shadow - but it is Skally who shares the bed with me, and moves my body about at night so I wake up in odd configurations - with her laying perpendicular, and me as well, in the morning light. I had no idea I was such a pushover in my sleep.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25


Yesterday, Rusty cascaded down the back stairs into the yard and his leg seemed a little dinged up. I was quite worried - so for the most part of the day, he wasn't allowed out the door to the yard.

This afternoon, after lunch with Miss Yvonne, I stopped by Parr Lumber and bought some strip stuff for stairs, that would give grip to his and Skally's pads, along with some nails, to ensure they would stay.

I got home this evening, before I needed to head out again, and put them on. He still slipped - but not much. It was with great facility he glided down, and his upward climb was much less of a trial.

Now, the good news.

Whilst in the yard, Skally was talking trash to me and Rusty kept coming out to go down, but I was in the midst of putting on the strips. Finally, when I finished, Rusty came down, and I cleaned up the strip mess. Then, back in the yard, Skally wanted to play "Cat & Mouse". I roared at her and she began to bark - with that mischievous grin (note the spelling on "Mischievous - there is no "e" sound after the 'v', so stop mispronouncing it, please!), then she hied herself into the shrubs with me following and her barking - of course, Rusty had to join in. When she tried to get out, he was waiting for her - this she found to be not so good. But she still slammed her way out through the shrubs, past a barking Rusty, and around again, now that I was out. She then ran, bouncing in her girlie way, into the thick of the laurel bushes. I sent Rusty after her and he did- bounding away. He caught her and she turned.

This went on for about 10 minutes until they were both tired. There was no nastiness, and they began to bond a bit more. My heart is doing well.

Now, there is the issue of the doggie door. I did convince Rusty to use it to come out at one point, and then, just to begin adjusting him to it, I had him go back in using it - this required much less coaxing. Now, I need to get him to grow more comfortable using it so he can utilize it whilst I'm at work once classes begin, and I shouldn't worry about his bladder bursting in the house! Please pray with me, that this task becomes easier before Monday. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rusty Goes to the Vet

After a very good walk this morning, of approximately 1.5 miles, Rusty stopped only once for a rest - when Skally decided to spend an inordinate amount of time running around the schoolyard, and sniffing, rather than join us, re-leashed, on our hike up the hill to our home.

Of course, he was panting, and you could hear how hot he was, but he continued on upwards actually pulling me and Skally home. This was improvement from earlier, when he would need a few minutes of rest, occasionally, as we progressed on this same morning hike.

That afternoon, we drove down to Aloha Cat and Dog, where he was to see his new doctor, Doctor Leddy, who was also Skally's doctor. I came prepared with the morning's stool sample in the little black plastic bag meant for such an honor. The receptionist made a sour face as I handed it to her, as it seemed that only Dr. Leddy asked such a thing of her patients.

Well, his temperature was normal, and his weight was 87.3 pounds (on Facebook I said 87.5, only because it was an easier number and not as anal as 87.3). He checked out on all counts. Even his stool sample came back negative, which was awesome. His heart, lungs, ears, nose, eyes, and whatever else, passed with flying colours. Yippeee.

Doctor Leddy did tell me he needed to lose some weight (Duhr!). So she told me to bring him in monthly, or at least in 6 months to see how much he had lost. We're gearing toward a 15+ pound loss by December, if possible. His hips have huge fatty pockets on the side, and I feared, at first, they were tumors - but no. Another Hooorrayyy!

So, after his shots, he skedaddled out the door to the car.

One great note, is that his hips and his waist are now showing. When he is on his side, the fleshy folds around his "doodle" are greatly reduced. And, I can see his back paws, now, when he is lying down.

In the afternoon, we went to Hazeldale Dog Park, and he just rested in the heat, in the shade. Skally wanted to go for a walk - if only to run amongst the trees and dip her paws into the creek. Well, that didn't happen, so she had to be content with her wading pool and the pond at home.

That evening, they both had bones to gnaw on - Skally buried hers, and was quite secretive with her burial grounds. She even hid when Rusty and I came into the back yard.

Life is good.

Rusty Goes to the Beach for the First Time

Well, the week began with a quick trip to Cannon Beach, where I needed to take care of a couple of things at the house. I put Rusty and Skally in the backyard, much to their annoyance. Skally howled. Yes, Howled, and Rusty Barked! Then they set upon a mission to find a way out - they couldn't. By this time, though, my mission was complete. As I said, it was a quick trip, and I needed to get back to Portland for an early afternoon appointment.

Yet, there was still time, and I didn't bring them with me to torture them. So, we headed up the street to the beach. Skally and Rusty were both off leash, and they relished in the smells of the neighbors' plants, lush grasses, and the awesome shade. We headed over to the entrance to the beach where Skally went flying down the sand with her tail wagging and her smile radiating through the drab skies. Rusty stayed close, and upon feeling the sand, he hesitated. He wasn't sure. This being his first venture to the beach, he had no clue, and it was a bit overwhelming.

I headed down and looked back - Rusty was slogging through the dry sand - and as he was more laden with weight than Skally, it was more difficult. Skally was running between logs on her way to the water. Rusty went down and just lay there. I summoned him and he tentatively got up and began moving toward me. After about 30 feet, he went down again. He looked quite worried.

Skally was splashing around in the water with some people watching her and some taking pictures. She was in her element, and she was going to, by God, make the most of it. Rusty, on the other hand, had to be coaxed to the wet sand, and when he made it, he stayed very close by.

We walked up to Ecola Creek and then past the town, next to the water. There wasn't much of a crowd on the beach, but there were a number of tourists at the top of the staircase. We continued up to the school, with Rusty panting with a look of worriment. He never once set foot in the water, while Skally was all over - in the water, up the beach and running around as though it was her first taste of it all.

We finally headed back (time was nearly up for this venture), and walked up close to the wall, where we headed in on the grass and through the lawn to the staircase that took us to First Street. We then headed down to the house, and made our way back to Beaverton.

Rusty's breathing has gradually grown better, as has his pace in walking. His pads are callousing well, and he seems more sure of himself. He is my little shadow, now, and reminds me of Cubby with his demeanor, although he rarely attacks and bites like Cubby - he's more passive. However, this will not be his last trip to the coast. Another will be coming soon, and hopefully he will be in better shape and able to appreciate it and enjoy it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week Two

This week we walked. We groomed. We actually barked and trotted behind Skally. We even made attempts to play with other dogs and Skally. We grew hungrier and greedier, but there is more life and love.

Rusty has taken to putting his head on my lap and putting his paw on me if he wants attention. He gives me those big eyes that look innocently askance, and manipulate me into giving him lots of attention.

Skally watches him from across the room.

When company comes over - such as Annemarie with her cockapoo, Sammy, Rusty seems eager to participate and he's such a pushover - but I have a feeling his size grants him permission to dominate - especially over Skally. Well, this may change.

His bark - yes he's barking a bit more, now, is high pitched. Skally will begin barking and then I'll bark back and soon we have the three of us smiling and laughing whilst we make the most glorious cacophony! I suppose this is a pack building exercise.

At the park, Rusty is beginning to join us in our chasing about, and he is more lively and more eager to become a part of the pack. Skally is beginning to see him as a non-threat - but he did anger her the other night, and she came at him. He just turned away, which I could tell frustrated her more. But that's the life.

Rusty will have a vet's visit this next week, for the first time in 7 years. We'll know more after this, insofar as his health, and perhaps some issues he may have. I pray he's healthy (and healthier) and on his way to continued life.

Week One Conclusion

Well, by Sunday, Rusty was a new dog. On Thursday, we walked a bit and he enjoyed the dogpark more than usual, with the sniffing, and just some more casual walking about. He also had a goodly walk which, as always, seemed to tire him out.

ON Friday, after a short walk (his pads seem to be callousing well) he went into the groomers. He wasn't all too thrilled about the event, and still unsure of his future when I handed him over - he didn't wish to go. But he did.

When I retrieved him, he was gorgeous, and his nails were clipped. He was greatly glad to see me, and pulled me (I didn't realize his power until now) out of the shop and to the car! Whereupon, he made a valiant attempt to jump in! Apparently, he hated it there, and was very anxious to get away! He wasn't able to make the leap, though, and I hoisted him up. This was a very good sign!

That afternoon, he and Skally took me for a walk through the wooded path near the park - both off leash, and Skally bounded, whilst Rusty trotted near me, occasionally stopping for a good smell.

Saturday, we went to Gabriel Park where he seemed more anxious to lay down and do much of nothing. However, we still walked and he was quite friendly with the other dogs.

I worry about him understanding his lot. I tell him as often as I can, hoping that I'm reaching him, and that he is able to comprehend why he came to live with us. It may be up to Faye, the dog psychic, to communicate all this with him, so his mind may rest at ease. However, he does miss the cats and his home. He does love sneaking over to Skally's food and having a bit of a bite - much to her chagrin. She and I have both stopped him, but he just smiles and walks away, thinking how unfair it is...

Sunday we hit Hondo dog park. He followed, and Skally romped and ran. He's still a little slow, but there is more life to him. Also, at this time, he is more able to go up and down the steps to the back yard, and seems to do so even on his own. This is marvelous!

All in all, this week has been very tough on him. He has been making great strides, and it shows. I'm still having to brush him - and his coat is beginning to cooperate. His teeth are much cleaner and his breathing is better. This may take more time than I had thought, but there are improvements each and every day. I'm hoping Skally begins to accept him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 9, 2011 Day 3

Well, we slept in a bit. Then we went walking. Rusty was a little faster, but still sluggish. We went on a longer journey which was about twice as long, and he seemed to do well. Skally got her walk in and seemed to appreciate her "Princess Time" with me.

Another tooth brushing (twice a day, now), and then I headed off to PetUtopia and Petsmart to get more enhanced chicken strips and Nylabones for them. I ended up buying lots of canned food and some plaque enzymes to go into the food, while shopping.

We went to the park, and once again, Rusty parked himself in the shade but not until after he had done some wandering - this was progress! O! how my heart lept for joy. And then he came trotting (note the word 'trotting') over to the picnic table where people were gathered, and he demanded attention from everyone there.

Skally and I went to the open area and we played cat and mouse, where she tries to sneak up on me and I whirl around and she runs away. We did this for a while, with me doing the same to her, and then we chased each other for a bit. I looked up and saw Rusty sitting under a tree watching us. Again. Progress.

We came home and he ate heartily, followed with a toothbrushing and a treat for them both. His breathing seemed to be growing less labored, and he was beginning to exhibit signs of a loving personality - even with Skally eyeballing him from across the room.

Skally wasn't too sure even at this point, about Rusty. She has accepted the fact he is here, and as he is not a female, she isn't the typical bully she tends to be. She came at him once when he seemed to want her food in her bowl, but that was settled as soon as it happened. However, the bonding between them has a ways to go.

He slept better, and I found that I was able to sleep through the night without waking up to his wheezing and snorts. This was great comfort.

August 8, 2011 Day Two

Up we sprang at 4:15 am. The skies were still dark and Skally was still asleep in the hallway. Rusty followed me to the front door and went out, painfully, to relieve himself.

Both dogs were given a chicken strip, and Rusty had an edible pill for joint strength and lubrication, followed by a thorough brushing of his teeth. He seemed to accept it and smacked his hearty jowls afterward.

Then once I had some coffee and was dressed, the three of us headed out for a short walk (the same as the night before) for Rusty. He moved sluggishly and painfully. I was afraid of pushing him too hard, lest his heart burst, or he lose any sense of mobility. It was apparent he hadn't been walked before, as his pads seemed to be too soft on the pavement and gravel of the paths through the greenways. Once home, he headed straight to the water bowl and drank and drank. Then Skally was taken for her walk - a much longer one and must faster paced.

At home, Rusty was given a half cup of his regular food (Beneful - his owners told me it was the best they could afford), and a near half cup of Aveno for his coat and skin. I also added a scoop of Spunk II, which has enzymes, condroiton, glucosamine, and other nutrients needed for the senior dog. I then added a forkful of canned dog food. He sniffed at it, and then ate some.

Needing to attend a conference that day, I took him outside in the backyard and let him wander - which for him was only to the brick and tie step to the yard. He lay down and just breathed. His breathing was still labored. Eventually, just before leaving, I hoisted him back up, leaving the back door open (I noted the day before he had some troubles squeezing through the doggie door, which Skally so skillfully uses). I then left for the conference.

Upon returning, I let him out the front door, and he let loose. He had held all that water in him all day. I couldn't believe it. We then went to the car and headed to the dog park.

At the dog park, Rusty came in a ways, sniffed a couple of the dogs, and then lay down in the shade. Skally found an un-neutered 2 year old corgie and she began her "Cougar Dance" with him.

After an hour or so, we walked out to walk around the park. Rusty moved tentatively, and wasn't as agile as 12 year old Skally. So, we kept walking, though, as he didn't seem to want to stop. Finally, we ended up in the car, with him absolutely worn out.

We got home and he didn't want to get out of the car. After great coaxing and pulling and prodding, he finally did. He came in and collapsed, then drank water and ate his food. Then he lay down and slept - with still great laborious breaths.

Before bed, his teeth were brushed, and he was allowed out the front door. Then he came back in and lay down in the bedroom, panting. I was positive I would find a dead dog in the morning, and I said a little prayer.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The first day

It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I wasn't going to take on another dog. Cubby and Obsydian had died the previous year - Cubby on January 16, 2010, and Syd on August 23, 2010. Their deaths were devestating. I had had Syd since he was three and a half months old, and Cubby since he was two. Syd was a birthday present in 1996, and the same friends gave me Cubby when they split, in 1999.

Syd had been my constant companion and the one living creature that really knew me best. Of course, when he was three, I rescued Skallywag (nee Rascal) when she was six months old. Syd wasn't too happy, as he was king of the castle, so to speak. So when this 50 pound terrier mix came in, his little Schipperke self was amused for a few hours, then it became war. Eventually, they worked it out, even with the move to a new house, which seemed to cure the territory issues.

Then, along came Cubby, who Syd had befriended over the past year and a half, but when he came in Syd decided to pee all over the video collection and stormed outside. Skally and Cubby became fast mates. They were nearly inseparable, and didn't play a lot with Syd - but they would pack up together at times. These were happy times.

Now, in 2011, August, Skally has spent the better part of the year alone. She seemed to enjoy herself, but there are times when I looked and detected some lingering notes of depression and sadness for the loss of canine companionship.

Out of curiosity, I ventured on to Craigslist and saw Rusty, and 8 year old Border Collie, whose owners had to vacate their premiss due to the economy, and they needed to find homes for their two cats and Rusty.

I thought about this for two days. And then I looked again - I thought, 'If he's still there, then it's meant to be.' He was. I called and 30 minutes later I was driving him home.

When I first saw Rusty, in person, I was a bit taken aback. He was a house dog, who was about 30 or so pounds (give or take - mostly give) overweight. He was in dire need of a brushing, and the owners were heavy smokers. His smile, though, won me over, and I took him to the car - only to have to lift him in as his legs weren't strong enough for the jump.

I got him home, and Skally took a look at him. She was rather aloof. He walked behind her outside, and tried sniffing her, only to be rebuffed. Here was this dog who had invaded her holy territory; the territory where she, Syd and Cubby had spent the majority of their lives living, running, fighting, and enjoying themselves.

So, I took a pair of scissors, and a brush, and worked on him for about an hour and a half. I made a dent, but there was oh, so much more to do! The backyard was covered in hair, and yet he didn't look much different. Skally had been watching from the top of the stairs on the deck - just because she could, and also to determine if I was going to chase her down with the brush, as well (she hates it).

My neighbor, Annmarie came over to meet Rusty. It was then we saw more matting and his teeth - His upper molars were encrusted in a cement-coloured plaque, and I began having some doubts. What was in store for me, but more importantly, what were Rusty's chances of growing healthy and hale. He panted with a rasping and wheezing. I took him for a short short walk and it seemed to be incredibly painful for him - then I noticed his nails were incredibly long. I made a note to phone the groomer down the hill for an appointment to bathe, brush and clip his nails.

My back was beginning to scream at me from carrying him up the flight of steps from the yard. It was then I realized I could let him out the front door, he would waddle to the lawn, and do his business, then turn around and walk back in. Oh Sweet Jesus, Thank you!

That night, August 7, 2011, Rusty whined for his home. I felt terribly bad for him, and he lay on the floor next to my bed. His breathing was labored and hard. I wasn't able to sleep much that night, and I was concerned that perhaps he had a bad heart, and wasn't going to live much longer - that was something I wasn't sure Skally nor I could deal with again, in this short of a time.