End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm so doomed!

I have 4 dogs.
I really have 4 dogs.
I live with 4 dogs.
I feed 4 dogs.
I play with 4 dogs.
I sleep with 4 dogs.
I'm either an idiot, or a nut, or ready to move in next door to my mother in the care facility!

The transition has been rather easy. Simon escaped a few times, which means he has pretty much destroyed the gate to the back yard. It was going, anyhow, but he ramped up the decay. Another expense I was putting off for another year.

Of course, with 4 dogs, there are expenses which affect them directly, as well....For instance, Kennel Cough. Yes. WE had an outbreak of Kennel Cough.

It began on a Monday morning, with Rusty eating one of his chicken strips, and then coughing as though something had lodged in his throat...It wasn't severe - more of an irritation. So, I treated him with Rosemary tea infusions and Dimetapp. This kind of worked, so I used raw warm honey with the Rosemary. This seemed to appease the irritating affliction.

I took the 4 to the park, and all seemed swell - No cough, just play and relaxation. After an hour or so, there was dust, and Rusty would hack a little - Vasclav (aka Viktor) commented on how dry it was, and Rusty should get some water. That was it!

Well, then I discovered that one of the smaller dogs in the adjoining little dog park had come down with Bordetella (that's Kennel Cough in Vetrinarianese). Oh dear. Jo Ann, Tanner's mum, said they were out for 2 weeks. Aie Yi Yi. I was so grateful none of my dogs had it! It was just this stupid cough that Rusty had from eating something.

One evening, in the park, Rusty began a small hack. A guy with a pitbull screamed at me and pointed (yes, sort of like they did in the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers!") at Rusty and bleated out that Rusty had (ahem) Kennel Cough!!!!! I assured him he was mistaken, as none of the others had it, and it was a mere irritation. He accused me of infecting the dog park, and took his dogs out and beat a path for home. By now, others were staring at me, and I decided, that as the Chairman of the Dog Park Committee, it would be poor form for me to remain; I took my children and we went home (I hate to say it, but it does sound like something from a cheap novel, or Hallmark Channel movie!).

Well, the next day, the unthinkable occured...Simon began to cough. and by afternoon, Skally joined in. Sammy thought they were a bunch of old fuddy-duddies, and trotted around with me. I then phoned the vet's office. We were welcomed to go in asap!

We went, and they kept us in the waiting room for 30 minutes, then finally, they got to us, and I told them who we were...We were quickly ushered into a room, away from all other animals...they didn't like that I asked, rather loudly, "If it's such a big deal, and you saw us coming in, why didn't you quarantine us earlier? It's not our fault we have Kennel Cough! After all, how many patients do you have with Kennel Cough and 4 dogs?"

I didn't win the popularity contest that day.

But the attending vet (ours was out of town on vacation) simply weighed them, took temps, and gave me meds for all 4, even though Samson was asymptomatic. We had a week to use them up, and then should take a little time more before engaging publicly...The cost? For all 4? I asked them to keep it low cost, so they charged me for 1 dog visit, and the meds- $198. Whew!

That was not an entirely pleasant week. These dogs like to get out. I like to get out, and not feel guilty that I'm not suffering from a chest cold as were they. I even had to cancel Samson's grooming appointment for a week (but he went in and was just peachy keen!).

Other dogs began to come down with the ailment, as well, but I doubt it was mine what gave it...at least no one has accused us. Yet.

So, now the back gate is blocked,still, and Simon is resting more comfortably on the bed (it seems he believes it's his, not mine, and I get a small corner). Simon enjoys chasing and returning the ball for me. He gets quite a workout!

The others have adapted. Skally beats up on him, albeit, she's now 15, and I worry about her health - she's randy and rocking, but there's a fragility about her that concerns me, something I haven't seen in her before, or failed to recognize earlier. Her energy is becoming more positive, and we are enjoying her more and more. She's even getting back up on the bed, something she hasn't done since the arrival of Rusty, or was it Sammy...I forget, it's been quite a while!

I even get to scratch her belly! This is a treat!

I'm in love with all 4 - of course the ones I've had longer I love more, but the others have become endeared to me, as well, and soon they will have entered the deepest chasms of my soul, as have Skally and Rusty.

Samson loves beating up on Simon. Rusty and Simon lay next to each other, at times, and there was even a time when I caught Rusty lying down in the living room, his nose to Simon's tail, which lead to Simon's nose to Skally's tail, and her nose to the red puffy chair, where Samson lay looking down on the three. I tried to capture a photo of this, but Rusty is too aware for me to sneak anything past him. He rousted up the others.

Now, if I can figure out a way to embed a video, I will do this, to I can show all 4, and even Simon playing in the park...

For now,they're all abed, and I'm fading quickly. I just needed to get a blog done before I fall asleep....

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