End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh. Today is bright and chipper.

We've been brushing teeth, much to the chagrin of Skallywag, who hates it - but it's because of her that I'm doing it.

You see, when she refuses to chew on anything close to rawhide, that tells me her teeth have too much plaque. So, when I do brush them (and believe me, I'm no saint about doing it - I should be punished, as it's sooooo inconsistent!) I see her perk up, and she tends to really gnaw on those chews!
So, the other night, I grabbed the brush, and then her (she typically bolts when she sees the brush), and I brushed her teeth. It was as though I had told her some deep dark secret that would change all our lives for the worse - she refused to come near me, or have anything to do with me after that!

Then I brushed the teeth of the other 3. Sammy and Rusty were quite easy. Simon fought me off more than Skally! I finally got in there, though.

Then, I went for it the next day. Skally wasn't happy. She had been chewing on the dental chews I get them, so I knew there was nothing really wrong with her teeth - but I could feel the scraping of the plaque against the brush...ugh!

It's so odd how that simple act can affect the animal. She is much perkier, and her balance is much better! Her appetite has increased!

So note to self - brush at LEAST once a week. This week we're brushing daily, and then to 2x a week....just to be sure (I'm sure this will be done - much like my vow to vacuum daily, brush them out daily, etc. but this is only a week, and then it tapers...so I may be able to accomplish this...)

So, WHAT DID WE DO RECENTLY???? you ask....

Okay. So, you know these guys are getting along, fairly well. Samson keeps Simon in line, as does Skally (he's a pig, you know...he counter surfs, steals my lunches, steals the treats, etc). But he's a good lad. He's so cuddly. But he keeps trying to steal Skally's treats, and last night, I swear I was going to have a heart attack, I saw those pearly whites (much brighter now, thanks to the brushing) come out in attack from both dogs. Simon crawled on his belly, little by little (imagine a 92 pound dog, sliding his body forward, trying to be inconspicuous) toward Skally, as she lay there contemplating her treat...Then he growled. Skally is not into being challenged! So, she leapt up, and went for it. I don't know how Pat Sajak and Vanna White didn't recoil in terror! But then, it was over, and Skally strutted away, knowing she'd won. Simon just lay there staring at her, then me.

Well, Simon is so different from my others. He doesn't always listen, either.

The other day, at 430 am, as we strolled down the lane between houses to go into the elementary school down the street, Samson pulled on the leash, to go up the rock wall for one of the homes. I figured it was a cat, or something. But I pulled him back and her merrily trotted out in front. Now, when I get to the gate of the school, I take them off leash. Because I can, and becuase it's good for them to run about (of course I get excercise picking up after them, which I do religiously!). Well, Simon turned back and bolted to that house, jumped up the wall (more of a short wall that braces all the dirt - you know what I'm talking about...my mind is drawing a blank, and I haven't the time to figure it out...) and ran into the yard. I called him, but was afraid I would wake people...a very delicate balance.

Then came the barks, the snarls the sounds of a fracas from Hell! Then the shrieks of pain, and the angry hisses. I ran back, along with the other dogs (who had been fine in the schoolyard, until they heard there was entertainment outside), and down ran a racoon, glaring viciously at Simon. Skally saw it and went after it (she is wise enough to corner them, but not get close enough to be hurt) in another yard. Simon came down looking defeated. Poor lad. But then we resuemed our walk, after Skally realized the racoon wasn't wanting to be found and killed.

WE need to work on Simon's self-esteem, I think. He's young, 6, as of yesterday, and he's a loner - but Samson loves him. Rusty loves him. Skally thinks he's hot, but needs discipline. He's finding his way, which means the esteem will issue forth when he has learnt that which he should....

We are a happy family....

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