End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Spring has Sprung in Rusty & Skally!

Lately, I believe I've been a somewhat good dad.

We brushed Teeth.

I furminated the dogs at the park.

They've been exercised well. With Skally, excercise really came into play when trying to catch her to brush teeth and to brush. She hates all grooming!

Rusty loves to be groomed.

Samson loves to be groomed.

Simon likes it, but would rather be chasing the ball.

Activity levels have risen dramatically.

Getting into the car has become a challenge. Since I have furniture and boxes in the garage that need to be donated, or sorted, I cannot park in there. So, we go outside, and typically, the pups are really good about nosing around the garden, and then hopping in (Rusty still needs a boost to get in, but he really tries to help!).

Skally, though, has decided that she would rather run from me, and have me chase her around the car, around the house next door, around the front yard, and then back to the car to run circles around it until she finally decides to jump in. Simon, though, has decided that if he gets into the backseat, and watches, something exciting will happen. And it will! I'll have a heart attack, one of these days, because he's now blocking her access into the car, which, in turn, means she's going to keep running about. Whew!

To top it off, the water district has begun working on the sewer lines on our little street, so we have steel plates, heavy machinery, and loud noises going on. Last night, I couldn't get into the driveway until nearly 530, and we made it to the park around 6. So, they had a good workout when we got there.

An aspirin a day for Rusty and Skally, along with the hygiene, has helped, but lately I've begun adding SPUNKY to their food. It's loaded with vitamins, minerals, glucosamine, condroitin, and omega threes. This, along with the cod liver oil, I suspect, has helped with both their arthritic joints.

They also have bright white teeth.

They smile a lot.

We're happy!

Rusty is trotting along, and even demanding I run, so he can chase me. He's such a happy lad.

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