End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Just Go Ahead and Shoot Me NOW!

News Flash!

I have 4 dogs.

This does not mean I am keeping all 4. I have a new dog, Simon - 1/2 Lab, 1/4 Husky, 1/4 German Shepard. He's a sweet dog. His entry into my home was nearly seamless - this means the others seem to enjoy his presence. Even Skally! In fact, when his Mom brought him over, Skally was going nuts - running all around, barking, smiling, joking, and showing off! Wow! And considering her birthday is in less than a month...I believe it's 2 weeks from this coming Sunday! And she'll be 15. She's begun to spike in her energy. More about that later.

Simon came to me as needing a good home, from a friend. She had been divorced for a few months, and left both Simon and his companion, Kayla, with her husband, as she had moved into an apartment, and couldn't have pets. Also, Simon and Kayla had been together for quite some time, and it seemed wrong to break them up.

Well, after a bit, the husband snagged a new honey, and began taking Kayla with him to her house for days at a time, leaving Simon to his own devices - no food, no water, no grooming, no attention. So, when Friend saw this, and noticed, too, that his nails had curled around and were beginning to dig into his paws, she'd had enough. So, she took him, covertly, into her apartment. Then she phoned me.

I was reluctant at first. a 6.5 year old, 100 pound dog? That needed medication? That's a lot, especially when I already have 3! So, we decided to give it a shot.

At first, he was upset she'd left him. He kept walking over to the chair where she'd sat, sniffing and moping about. Then it was bed time. He lay by the front door - for 2 minutes- then he came into the bed with me, and crushed me. Not much sleep that night, especially with Rusty expressing his jealousy, and Samson trying to reclaim the bed as his territory - this went on for nearly a week! but by then, Simon wasn't crushing me any more...he was beginning to realize he was in a good spot.

Day two, Simon would crawl into my lap while I was either on the phone or reading. This was not only awkward, but very uncomfortable. He ate well, and he seemed to enjoy going for the walk, and the to the park.

By Friday, (Simon came to me on Wednesday), all seemed pretty good. I did leave for a short time, and came home to find all 4 dogs happy, and healthy, but the backgate to the yard was on the ground...Hmmmmm.

Saturday, I had the Hazeldale Dog Park fundraiser event, so we were up early, walked, watered, fed, etc. Then I left. All was well. Around 10:45, I drove home to bring the dogs down for the Blessing of the Animals. I walked in, and 3 dogs greeted me, a little sheepishly....I asked where Simon was, and they just looked at each other, as though they knew something, but weren't sure if they should say...So, I looked in the backyard, and sure enough, the gate was down! Simon had gone rogue!

We drove around asking people if they'd seen him, going everywhere we could. Finally, I drove to the park, had the dogs blessed (Simon in abstentia), and returned the 3 home. I then went on a mission, the other direction, to find him. And that I did. He was lost, and had been pacing, in the heat, up and down the street, about 8 blocks down, and was lying on someone's front porch. I brought him to the car, went home, and fixed the fence, and then took him to the park for the rest of the day...just to keep a eye on him. Whew! We went to the park, after the event, and he was exhausted. Yeah!

Sunday, I needed to spend time with my mom, and I happened to see my neighbor, Chessa, and talked to her about his escaping. She said she'd keep an eye on him, and would call...(it helps if people have each other's numbers, huh!?) Later, she told me he tried to escape several times, but went back quickly when she saw him and yelled at him. Phew!

I had put a large fence panel in front of the gate, which covered most of that portion of fence. But I did it wrong, and he had knocked it over...Oh, geez!

So, I fixed the panel, and had an idea. A most wonderful idea. The 'T' had a most wonderful, genius idea!

On Monday, I pulled out of the drive, and stopped the motor. I heard him working at the fence. I went over and told him to knock it off, and to go inside. I then went back to the car, and listened. Nothing. I returned home, several hours, later, and discovered ---- nothing out of place! Imagine.

So, now, if I pull out of the drive, stop the car, and go to the gate, peer over, I can tell him to get back inside, and to stop, he will. And this is what's working - so far. I'm dreading it won't last...

Now, Sammy and Simon have paired up. Samson is a little intimidated by Simon, as he's about 75 pounds heavier, and much larger than the other two. However, they're the same age, they have the same level of spunk and vitality, but Simon is really more of a puppy! So, when we go to the park, I use the chuck-it, and this goes on until he's absolutely exhausted. It's nice. He's so much calmer.

He's losing a lot of weight from the exercise - which is one of the reasons he's on thyroid medication. He's running much better, moving much better, and becoming one of the pack.

On Sunday, my friend, Tina, and I took them to 1,000 acre park for the morning. We hiked for about 2 hours, and they just ran and ran, and then played in the water, and ran and ran. all four were dragging by the time we got back to the car. They fell asleep once we got home, but were up and wanting to get going within 2 hours! Then they dropped. Yeah!

Skally now sees Simon as her inferior. I bought a pack of large rawhide bones for him (as he seems to like to gnaw on such things), and both he and Rusty take them, as does Skally. However, as Simon is contentedly gnawing, Skally walks over, crouches her head into his face, barks, and then grabs his bone. With Rusty, she just walks over, and takes it (I'm rather shocked, as Rusty doesn't give things up that easily). This is how she dealt with Syd, when he was alive. He couldn't have any rawhide treats - she'd take them from him and stockpile them.

Her stockpile surrounds her, and if any of them gets near it (Sammy is the exception, as he has no interest), she attacks! It's quite humorous, actually. I believe she has 1/2 a bag of them under her watchful eyes as I write this. Simon won't take another one, and Rusty leaves the room, immediately, after taking one...Simon may learn.

So, Skally will be 15 in a couple of weeks, Sammy turns 6 today, Simon turns 7 on October 10, (Skally is September 2), and Rusty is on Friday, the 16th of August, and he turns 11.

They walk well, together, and Simon has been trying to get Rusty to play with him. It's actually quite, most of the time.

I do have to tell you, though, the other night, Skally and the dogs next door, Frenchie & Elvis, really got into a gigantic fence fightind match. He tail was going nuts in the roses. Later, I walked out on the deck, and found blood smeard all over the doorway, and on the smoker, the table, splatter all over the chairs - I thought there'd been a murder I'd missed! it was all her tail. And she was in such a good mood. Never did find any of the scratches on her, either...Hmmmm.

Anyhow, that's the scoop to this point. All seem healthy and hale and happy.


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