End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Another Post, and So Much Energy!

Wow! Such a week!

WE brushed teeth. AS I stated in the earlier blog, it doesn't sound like much, but when you see the difference in the activity level of the dogs, especially a 15 year old, it helps create a mythos about it.

Today was Bark the Park at Hazeldale Park. I had a load of chips delivered from Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation, and it sat outside the large dog paddock.

We were to begin at 10 am.

The dogs were raring to go this morning at 8. They seemed to sense something was up. I was still in my jimjams, trying to figure out whether or not it was possible to bring them along, as the gates would be open the parks, and they may try to escape, if only to be with me (believe it or not, they seem to really like me, and hate being separated from me!).

Well, JoAnn T., one of the other board members, and her husband, Ray, with dog, Tanner (a beagle puppy - yes, Marion, we consort with such people!), came in their truck to help bring my wheelbarrow to the park, as it wouldn't fit in my car. They arrived a little after 10. Simon, Sammy, and Rusty all raced out to the car. Simon decided Tanner would be his pal, I guess, for the day.

Skallywag, refused to leave the house. I had to chase her around the house and then take her out. Next, the little darling (remember, she's 15) ran down the street into everyone's yard. We were able to load the wheelbarrow in to the truck, and then the 3 dogs into the car.

Next, I had to chase Skally around the hammerhead, into other peoples' yards, until I was finally able to snag her when she raced back home to the front door, which, luckily, was closed and locked. Then, I had to get her into the car!

Normally, a 15 year old dog, from my understanding, is not going to race about with seemingly unbridled energy. Hmmmmm. Maybe it's the diet? I think it has more to do with her teeth being cleaned! Her diet is good, but the plaque can really be a problem for health and heart, if left unchecked!

We arrived at the park, and I put them in the large dog paddock (don't scream at me. I know Samson doesn't belong there, but he is a bully, and does pretty well for himself- plus the others seem to protect him if they deem it necessary). WE dealt with the pile of chips, putting them into the small dog paddock, as no one was there, so it seemed easiest.

During this time, Skally ran the fence, after me, and up and down the length of the park. He didn't just trot, she bounded, she raced. Finally, after about an hour, she and the others lay down in the grass on the other side of the fence from where I was shoveling and jetting off with the loads of chips for the other paddock.

We finally decided to ask people to move to the other two sections, so we could begin to bark the large dog park. There, she and even Rusty, ran behind me, showing off their ability to keep up, and outrun me. This delights me! And they all seemed so happy! Rusty got such a good workout, he's sleeping so soundly next to me... yahoo!

Simon spent all his time tagging after Tanner, the beagle. Now, Tanner weighs, maybe, 30 pounds. Simon weighs 90. Simon tried humping Tanner. Yes. Obviously impossible, and yet he tried. Tanner wasn't thrilled, but kept Simon around him. They played so well, and even Samson got in on the action with Tanner, running about and chasing each other!

There are days such as these, where I am feeling completely blessed with their presence, especially when they are so passed out near my side as I write. I see this, usually, only when we've been to the beach all day, and they have had no time to rest...

I miss the times at the coast, staying at the cabin for 1-2 weeks, watching the activity level of the dogs wane as the days go by...then having a day of rest, and once again they're back at it! But, alas and alack, the cabin is rented, and my brother has banned all pets from the house. So, we go down for the day while the cabin is inhabited, and spend our time at Crescent Beach, and around Tolovana and Arcadia Beach. WE may run down there next week, when I am unencumbered by commitments.

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