End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Recovery Mode

So, Samson went to the doctor's office, yesterday, and he had a good checkup. No nerve damage that could be seen (Cubby had severe nerve damage, and this part made me breathe more easily, as I couldn't go through that again!), and his appetite and need to move hadn't ceased.

His day, yesterday, was full of pain. The poor guy hobbled along, with his tail down (which is so unlike him). He wouldn't really even snarl at Simon (which is, too, so unlike him).

Once the doctor gave her diagnosis, and we went out to the waiting room, this little dynamo was ready to go. His tail was more up, but anyone could tell he was still miserable.
We were given two drugs, Metacam, and Gabapentin. One is a sort of aspirin (liquid, so I can squirt it through his teeth - no awful trying to get it down his gullet), and the other is a nerve relaxer, which would make him quite relaxed, she said. Hmmmmm. She also was adamant that there would be no awful side effects.

I inquired about a chiropractic referral, and she told me that at this point in time, it could be more dangerous. If he had a bulging disc, we would need to relax it back into place, rather than do anything that might make it rupture or even (God forbid) create a mess of his spine. AT this point, I'm willing to listen and follow directions.

There is a sticky point to all this, though.

Samson is not to go out for at least 2 weeks for exercise. He can go for short walks, but nothing of the sort we normally do. And this can't happen for at least a week. Aie! Also, she wanted me to find a way to keep him from jumping up on furniture, and especially the bed. Well, I can pick him up off the bed, but I cannot follow him about. I can keep the door closed to prevent him from going up, and that's the best I can do.

I cannot (I've tried) get him to use steps, ramps, etc. I mean, really. I cannot even figure out a way to get him to use the doggie door! I suppose I could summon a trainer to work with him, but I doubt, seriously, Samson would take to them, or their training...It's probably a control issue of his...who knows.

Last night, after drugging him up, Samson looked really relaxed. After a nap, and laying about, watching us, he was able to go outside and sniff, but that didn't last long. When he came to bed, he slept, and slept, and slept. It was, perhaps, the best sleep he's had in quite a while.

This morning he's full of vim and vigor! He's been out, with Skally, going through the gardens and happily prancing about. He's also been sleeping a lot. This is good.

I'm hoping this 5 week recovery period goes by quickly. It's nice to see some of my old Samson back....

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