End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Thursday, December 19, 2013

a holiday/winter posting...

I remember many, many years ago, when I had only Obsydian, my schipperke.

I recall how, during the holidays, we would walk the neighborhood (at my old house) and he would bark at the twinkling and flashing lights people had put on their homes.

Now, my pups all seem jaded about the entire happening, and look only at the decorations as possible pit stops (which I don't allow).

I love the lights. I may grouse and grumble about how tacky some are, and ask why people need to even think of trying with their piddly strands; inside, though, I'm full of happiness and joy.

My dogpark friends are wondering what has happened with the pups, as we haven't been very good about going this week. Well, the park is quite sloggy (even with all the bark chips we put down), and muddy, and the dogs are a little tired of it. So, we walk. We walk at night, after the sun has set, Judge Judy is over, and people have come home. Why? They turn on their lights!

There is nothing more delightful than taking the pups out and instead of watching them sniff in wonderment, I can gaze with the same sense of marvel. I see the trees in the windows from houses above us on the hills, as we trot downward to return upward. I see the imagination of some families come to life.

The other night, we went down the street a few blocks over (the pups were beginning to tire from Daddy's Light Tour) to see the decor of a colleague's house. Well, disappointingly, they had their outside lights on, but their holiday lights were dark. This was truly discouraging. Yet, across the street and catty-corner, there was a house that would almost rival the Griswold's. If I hadn't been pulled back up the hills with determination, I would have stared at it for hours. It was hypnotic.

I know this is supposed to be about dogs, but I had to ask these questions...

Why don't people put up lights? I have Jewish friends who put them up simply because they, too, find them delightful and uplifting during the cold, wet, winter months. Could it be the electric bill?

Why DO people put up lights? I know people who do it for the kids...however, I know they do it more for themselves. One friend stopped only because he was having marital problems, and the kids had moved out years earlier...Is it the festiveness of the occasion? To brighten up anyone who might pass by's evening? I like this one.

Why do the lights come down January 1? I hate this tradition. I believe they should not come down until January 31. Honestly. Rusty is agreeing with me.

Yes. He speaks. He has the same voice as the dog in the Youtube video dealing with Bacon, and the one who wants the kitten. Seriously.

Simon has the voice of Antonio Banderas. He's not suave or debonair, but it sure makes Skally swelter!

Samson has been trading growls with Simon. What voice does he have? Cartman or Eric from Southpark. Seriously.

Skally has the disposition of Bette Davis, so I'd have to say that would be her voice, as well.

The weather has really brought out the energy in all of them. And with the full moon...well, enough said.

Ice is on the ground, and I'm a little worried about the deck stairs, which are quite slick. The worries are really toward Skally, who, while carrying on with the energy of a younger dog, has some joint problems. Luckily, we are able to give her Spunky II, which has really increased her mobility and energy levels. I consider each and every day a blessing she is alert, able and spry!

Here's a video of the dogs from earlier in the year...it gives you an idea of how wonderful they are!

And here they are with each other later on in the day...of course, Rusty is the one who's butt is in the lower right hand corner - he is quite sensitive to the camera (much like Skally), and wouldn't wait for me to figure out how to get them all in! He kept moving!

And of course, here's a more current pic of Rusty!

And, of course, one of Simon....

Here's to a wonderful holiday for you all!

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