End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year & A Look Back....

It's been a quiet New Year - well, sort of.

Last year we saw lots of activity.

Simon came and joined us.

Skally, Simon and Rusty all caught Kennel Cough.

Rusty was down to 65 pounds.

Rusty has been quite rambunctious - and really having fun!

Samson has a back injury.

They had their first night away from Pops - when I went to move Mom's things from her house.

They had a dog sitter - for the first time - everytime I had to run to Port Angeles for the day.

Now, about the dog sitter. She's really sweet. She really tried. Rusty and Samson (Simon was not yet in the picture) even crawled into bed with her. Yet, they wouldn't allow her to walk them very far. They demanded to stay at home! She really tried to walk them....they like her. But, alas and alack, they just won't venture out very far without me. I'm not so sure what to do with this.

Meg (the dog sitter, also my step-niece), took the three of them to hike Forest Park. Well, Skally went 500 feet, and then demanded to go back to the car, where she remained sleeping. Rusty and Samson gleefully went for the 10 mile hike! Hmmmm.

New Year's Eve was somewhat eventful. There were fireworks going off all over the neighborhood - beginning around 730 pm. This frazzled Rusty and Samson. Rusty kept pawing me, at one point, but I thought it was because of his angst. No. I later found the persian rug in the bedroom soaked with pee...

After treateing it and the carpet beneath with baking soda, I took both him and Samson outside to drain. They were quite apprehensive, but the need to flow overcame them.

That night, we may have gone to be at 1030 (I was quite tired), but Rusty and Samson were lying next to me, very anxious. And Simon? Well, Simon went out like a light! I couldn't get my feet under him, as he was perpendicular to the bed, and he refused to budge. A few swift shoves of the feet helped, but it basically did nothing.

Finally, around 1210, the fireworks stopped, and I could sleep. 1230, Rusty jumped down from the bed. 210 am, Skally came into the bedroom barking at me. There was nothing I could see (when I dragged myself up) for her to have any inclination for barking.

We managed to sleep the rest of the night...until 6 am, when I woke - don't ask.

And Now, the New Year...

Yesterday, the dogs and I went to the park. Twice.

Skally found an 11 month old beagle that she adored. She was running. Yes. Running and pouncing and playing for quite some time! Viktor and I marveled at her 15 year old agility! Not only that, but she ran and pounced at the fence at other dogs, either walking outside the park, or in the little dog park! Such energy! Such agility! Such wonder!

The others were quite happy, moving about, getting strokes and pets.

They were quite tired.

And this evening, we will have the neighbors over for wine and pie. Still have to make the pie. Still need to finish cleaning and dusting (making up for months of neglect cannot be done in a day). But there's a serious dent already made during the past 2 weeks. Yay.

Well, that's all for now.

Happy New Year!

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