End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well, it's been a little while. Much has probably happened since I last wrote. What? Well, let my addlepated little mind wrap itself around the past couple of weeks.

Skally's energy had been waning. I gave that up to her age, and the fact that she wasn't completely thrilled about having to share with another being. All seemed well, until one day I came home to find her in the bed, with the bed soaking in her urine. Yuck! I know.

However, my first thought was 'What is going on?' This was completely out of character for her. I also noticed that there was poop two days (not in a row) in different parts of the house, when I awoke. She wasn't going to tell me anything - this, a little vomit, and peeing at night, as well as during the day in the house. This from the girl who, as I recalled from her youth, howled when she couldn't quite make it outside (hence the dog door); this happened once. It had been approximately 12 years since anything like this had happened - and it was one time when she darted through the house to go outside - I didn't open the door quickly enough - never happened again - until now.

I decided, after washing all the bed linens, etc, that we needed to walk further, and I needed to ensure all the pee was out of her before I headed off to work. Didn't happen. She seemed quite tenuous to go outside. In fact, she nearly flat out refused! It was as though she had been traumatized by something out there.

I was perplexed. After watching her a few days, and realizing this wasn't going anywhere good, I called Dr. Leddy.

We went to the good doctor's office, weighed Rusty (78 pounds! Yay! Down 9!) and Skally (68 Pounds - good sign). She examined her, and we determined to try hormone therapy - yes, the same therapy as women have after menopause.

So, after the first pill, the next day, Skally had more vigor. She seemed much better. After the second day, even more.

The second night, Rusty, apparently used to having his way with the chew bones, etc., in the family room, decided to wander in to Skally's territory which had been fine before - until that night!

I was in the other room, when I heard a great violent and raging cocophony. Skally had her mojo back, and she warn't gwanna give up her bone! It was settled, and Rusty came running to me. Skally eyed him warily.

I was thrilled. She was coming back to herself, as I hadn't seen in months!

Dr. Leddy will phone tomorrow or Wednesday with results of the tests they ran on her; I'm praying there isn't anything else that might be amiss - like kidneys, or cancer or anything else; I can't stand to lose her - she must needs be immortal.

Other than that, Rusty is coming along well. After my chat with him about dawdling on walks, he seems to have given in. He trots at a pace with Skally, and it seems as though they make fantastic pack partners in this milieu.

At the park, Rusty is playing, and Skally began to show her colors from months ago, where she plays and barks with the other dogs - usually through the fence with Ziggy, where they talk smack.

I pray all is well with the world.

Yesterday, too, a woman approached me and began to ask about Syd & Cubby. Her dog used to play with them years ago, and I had forgotten who they were. When she mentioned her dog's name, I remembered. He had died of cancer- I thought they had just moved. She was moved by the stories of Syd & Cubby and their ailments that led to their deaths. It was sobering.

So, now, after our walk, and a little breakie, Daddy is going to take his shower and hie to work and the gym. When I get home, I hope it's warmer than the 37 degrees it is outside, and we'll head to the park to play with Bella Blue, Pepper, and all the others we have come to know.

And Skally will be even better!

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