End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mid Week October 6, 2011

I've created a monster.

I've created a monster.

I've created a monster.

Did I mention I believe I've created a monster?

Yesterday, rather than hit the gym (I figured if Rusty could go on a "boot camp regimen, then must I!), I rushed home to beat the rain. Skally was asleep - but not for long. Rusty was gadding about the house, happy to see me, and happy to be let out (he still can't understand the doggie door).

As soon as I opened the door to the garage, they both rushed to the car. I put Rusty in - it seems as though he was ready to leap in, but doubtful he could - and Skally immediately followed suit (she gets in the front. Usually, she wanders around the car, making me stalk her - much as Syd used to do - until finally she wanted to get in.). WE got to the park - nice, sunny, and moist.

Skally got out with her leash on, and Rusty came out the back, but didn't stop when I told him. No. He began to rush to the dog park. Yes. He ran ahead of us, and when I told him to stop, he did, then turned, smiled and with a little leap of evil, he continued to run.

Upon entering the park, Rusty ran over to a new dog, and then did his business, as did Skally. I went over to talk with Victor, and they double-teamed me, barking and refusing to let up. So, I ran with them. And run they did. Rusty was trying to out-maneuver Skally, and Pepper and Rusty were vying for me - whilst Skally went a'sniffin'. This continued for several minutes, with Skally coming to me and me chasing her while Rusty was off chasing a young yellow lab and Pepper.

Rusty, after a bit, realized that if he were to pick up a ball, other dogs would come to him - as it was their ball they had been playing with. This was quite new. I even threw a ball for him a short distance, and he fetched it, brought it back, and refused to let go, no matter what. There was evil mischief in his liver-colored eyes!

I found a rope for him to tug with, and Pepper took the other side. Rusty pulled, and Pepper let go- Rusty went tumbling, looking at me as though I had done him a great injustice - so rope was no longer an option, at least for now.

This was how it continued, until the rain began to come down heavier and heavier. Others left, and some more came, but my two just stood there, as statues, guarding me, growing damper and damper. So we left.

At home, the frivolity continued for them both. I swear. It has been so long since I've seen Skally be so animated for so long. The aura of the house is good.

This morning, though, neither had tons of energy - but there was something in the air that made them badger me until we finally left and walked; Rusty, though, was hardly the epitome of energy once out the door. It wasn't until we crossed back over the street on the downhill side of the hill that he picked up steam - and then it was to take the short walk route, and they both flew.

This is happiness, with a touch of evil mischief.

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