End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Walking....and walking...

One reason people seem to have a dog is that "It will force me to exercise!"

Yeah?  How's that working for you?

Sure, there are times I wake up at 345 am and wonder - 'Why?!'

Then I get up, have my first cup of coffee, with Rusty on my heels (he's my shadow), get out my grapefruit, put the eggs in the pot and begin to boil them, and take down the treats from the fridge.

By this time, Samson is also by my side.

I locate Skally, who's usually sitting up awaiting her treats, feed one to her, then to Samson and Rusty, and go in to find Simon lounging on the bed.

Then comes treat #2 - the chicken strip.  Same routine.

By this time, I have walked to the back door to see how the weather is.  IF it's pouring, then there's no way we're going out.  But if it's not a deluge, I grab my headphones, my cellphone, my clothes, hat, etc., put Sammy into his harness, grab Simon out of bed (not an easy task - believe me! He's worse than a teenager!),   make sure I have enough poobags, and leash them up.

Out the door we go.

Of course, it's rarely a brisk walk.  WE have the need to sniff, pee, poo, inspect, go back further to re-inspect, taste, and the cycle continues for approximately 45 minutes (about 2 miles).

During this time, though, I'm able to listen to at least one chapter of an audible book, think, clear my head, and begin planning my day.

During this time, too, the dogs are able to stretch their legs, evacuate their wastes, use their brains, and have a wonderful time with their Pa.

There are times of frustration, though, when I feel as would a Sherpa lugging bodies up the Himalayas on the last leg home (the four don't seem all that anxious to go uphill, or go home) with my wee steps and arms pulled behind me.  But that's good exercise, non?!

And, it being dark, most of the year, it's quiet, serene, and the lights below give off a sense of romance and wonder.  These pictures don't do it justice.

I've done this for the past 16 years, on a regular basis.  I had to when I began, as Syd, Cubby, and Skally were just too active and barky  - I needed to find ways to get rid of a lot of that energy (and our walks, then, were more like 4+ miles, and over an hour) - which didn't always seem to work.

But walking them enables me to have calm, as well as them.  They have the opportunity to walk as a pack, and learn from each other (Rusty and Simon have learned a great deal - Sammy pretends he already knew).
So, even if you've no dog, or pet, to walk in the morning, try it.  It's good for your soul, if not your legs and body (the dogs are not only my causation, but also my barometer).

Early to Bed! and all that rot!

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