End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Motion is the Lotion!!!

Oh My Goodness!!!!

This week we decided to get out to another dog park that was equi-distant to the one we usually attend.  The air was warm, the sky blue, and it was just relaxation!

I put on my headphones and listened to Rachmaninoff while I walked down and up with the pups.

My grandparents had a farm in Turner, Oregon.  These pictures remind me of that little house which, last I saw, was surrounded by many new luxury homes.

When we walk in the morning, the dogs are leashed, and don't always want to go in the same direction as do I.  So, I believe it's important that we find time to have some freedom.

Oddly, the pups are more engaged in meeting other dogs and exploring here rather than at our usual park.  Could it be the novelty?  Hardly - there are other parks where they haven't the urge to explore as much as they do here!  Even Rusty goes off for a lark on his own to explore!

Because they do so much up and down hill walking, they tire, but it also builds their endurance at their own pace, which gladdens me when I hope to relax at night - they drop off to sleep earlier, giving me some down time, as well.

The act of walking on a regular basis is good for several reasons:
     1.  It helps the joints relax and be used, sparing the muscles from atrophying;
     2.  It stimulates the brain (if you allow your dog to naturally sniff on the way - annoying and slow as it is, this is what can really tire them out!)
     3.  It gives the dogs a chance to explore at their own pace - both mentally and physically stimulating.
     4.  It aids them in feeling free, relaxed and able to roam without restraint.

I've read in so many books and articles that you can walk or run a dog every day and find yourself needing to give them more (their energy becomes boundless).  Without the mental stimulation of commands, sniffing, socializing, exploring, etc., they tire less easily; with it, they become sharper and their mental faculties tend to last much longer (look at Skallywag!).

That's why we have a foodball at home - they have to roll it around to get the treats, and for them it's also play;  it's also more downtime for Pops!

We also play hide-n-seek at home and the park, as well as chase and tag!  When you play these games it keeps the dogs young at heart (we'll catch this in a later blog!), and keeps them young in mind, as well (just look at Skally, who loves to play these games, still; though she's not as quick as she once was).  

Going to the park on a regular basis is also good for several reasons:
    1.  It helps them socialize and learn appropriate behaviors;
    2.  It allows you to interact with other humans, and they other dogs;
    3.  It allows them to play in a more natural environment (I'm talking outdoor parks - I realize people need the indoor ones because of logistics, but they aren't even close!);
    4.  It allows them to relax and just get up and out on their own terms!  Independence is as necessary for your pups as it is for you!  (you wouldn't like being cooped up in the same yard/house for eons, and then have to walk on a lead without any real sense of freedom).

Enjoy your pups!  Remember, they are an investment of Well-being, Mental Stimulation, Budgeting (oh those treats and that food!!!), Love, Compassion, Enjoyment, among all the other qualities they bring to your life.  Keep them moving, even when they are older.  

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