End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Friday, March 28, 2014

How Do We Care For Our Dogs?

Monday was gorgeous.  I felt a little guilty about arriving home late, as I have been hitting the gym (trying to lose about 40-50 pounds) especially with the sun glowing and the air feeling warm.

I was greeted by 6 loving eyes, 3 happy barking dogs (Samson, Rusty, and Simon), and tons of fur rubbing up and down my legs and arms as I entered the front door.  They were ready to rock and roll!

I went through the house and into the family room where Skally had been sleeping on the couch.  She arose and ventured outside with Samson and Simon.  Rusty had taken advantage of going out the front, when I arrived, to relieve himself.

I tried to get ready as quickly as I could - it had been a long day!  I was eventually ready to hit the road and take them to the park.

We arrived.  The air was crisp, yet warm.  Many people playing basketball; the parking lot was full.  Several dog walkers were there, and others heading to or from the park.

The four of them tugged quite avidly at their leads, but weren't doing so aggressively; they were excited and anxious to get in.

Skally was dawdling.  This morning she'd had two incidents of suddenly squatting and sitting - having troubles staying up on her haunches.  Needless to say, I'm quite worried about this, and am watching her with eagle eyes - yet, aside from that, she's been spry at home, but lower energy....Time has it's way of telling, though.

After playing for quite some time, I eyed my watch and realized it was time to leave (Jeopardy was starting soon!).  Skally had been skulking after some younger males - this gave me heart.  Rusty and Samson were being social (for Rusty this is a wonderful thing - he's doing it more and more), and Simon was fixated on his ball and chasing it (did I ever mention he's grown quite agile and much quicker?  His body is beginning to look much svelter!).

We (Skally) decided to go for a walk around the perimeter of the park.  This is a very good thing as it allows her to sniff and move about without worry of other dogs ramming into her while running amok.  It also drains the others of extra energy before heading home and eating dinner.

We passed these two teenagers passing their soccer ball, and they looked at me.  The first boy said, "Wow!  You have FOUR dogs!  How do you take care of them?"

As we were passing, and Skally was tugging to her next sniffing spot, I said the only thing that came to mind - "Same way as your parents take care of you!"
 "Oh!" said the boy, "That makes sense.  You must be one heck of a good parent!"
I had to smile.

The next boy smiled and said, "You have beautiful dogs!  You're lucky!"
"I know," I smiled back.

This lead me to my question.  How DO we take care of our dogs?

I know it seems like a silly question - but have we really given it much thought?
I bathe them somewhat regularly.
I walk them at least once a day (yup - 430 am, we're on the road!), and try to get them to the park later in the day.
I feed them grain-free, add supplements and meat to their diet.
I give them treats I believe are healthy and they enjoy (this is what is literally bankrupting me - large dogs eat so much more than small! - duhr!)
I brush their teeth regularly.
I talk to them.
I read to them.
I chase them around the house (playing games like Hide-n-Seek with your dog is supposed to keep them young and spry), and at the park I am easily found running around with the pack following.
I have them groomed when necessary; nails once a month, Samson cut and beautified once every other month.

Is that what we're talking about?
How do we care for our pets' mental health?  What about their emotional health?  Their intellectual health?

These are all questions we can ponder and come up with some answers - and for many it may come more quickly than for others.

Some might say these are not very important issues....however, I do believe they are.

I'd like to hear from people with their input on this.


UPDATE:  Skally is friskier than ever, now.  She has put on weight and is eating (even if I have to force her to, By Gum, she will devour!).  Yesterday she was running and pouncing up and down the fenceline with the small dogs in the other paddock!  I swear - she's indestructible!

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