End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Friday, July 26, 2013

The year to date - Kind of....

What a year!
Well, the dogs have really packed. I mean packed. They have become very comfortable with each other, and Sammy has glued the other two into a coherent family. Both he and Rusty are never too far from me, and Skally wiles her way over to get a goodly amount of affection, as well.

In March, we went to see their grandmother, who was not doing well, and we spent five days exploring the Olympic Penninsula with her, as it would most likely be her last visits. She was admitted to a hospital in Seattle for observation and diagnosed with Lewy Body Syndrome.
So, it was off to find an appropriate spot for her in Portland, which I was able to do. She now resides at St. Anthony Village in SE Portland. Her bedroom looks out onto the gardens, and it's an open and cheery place. But, she misses Samson, she says, and always asks about the other two. she has an affinity for Skally, but refuses to admit it (I used to catch her having conversations with Skally late at night when she thought I was off to bed, and they were alone in the living room).

So, they were quite active up there that week, and then they were caught in the maelstrom of my having to go back and forth to Port Angeles on many Saturdays, early to leave and back again in the early evenings, to collect Mom's things. There was also the issue of my needing to come home later due to traffic from my driving over to see Mom after work, and arriving home very tired. Yet, we still managed to hit Hazeldale Dog Park.

There were some moments when I was really scared about Skally - she was really dragging and not eating much, for some time. It must have been a cold; the norm, now, is she's eating well, and bouncing off the walls! She's doing pretty well for coming up on her 15th birthday, September 2! She's also becoming more affectionate, but still won't lick my face (I've received a total of 9 licks to the face from her, in her entire life - the last one was around 2002).

Rusty had gained a little weight this year, when I took them in for their exams...whoops! This was due to my being stressed, and not having much energy to walk them every morning. Now, however, he's moving very well, eating less, drinking less water (he used to suck it up every chance he got, which worried me to no end), and his shape is becoming quite svelte! He's such a good boy. He loves to chase me in the park. Ergo, I must run so the three of them can try to catch me.

Samson has taken over the parks, and won't take any guff from anyone. He is adored by most of the people there, and his best friend is Pepper, a pit-bull mix, and they run off together and explore. They wait for each other if the other isn't there.

Samson and Rusty will both be a year older this next month - Samson will be 6 on August 6, and Rusty 11 on August 16.

We are all enjoying the wonderful weather, here. Good Health, good spirits, good friends, and a life of leisure. I only wish they wouldn't be curled up around me so closely, so I can get off the couch, out of a chair, or just move without nearly breaking my neck. But, knowing it's love, makes the ire soften to smiles.

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