End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Monday, January 23, 2012

How Time Passes......

Well, it's been another while.

Since I last wrote, things have truly perked up.

Rusty is now pursuing other dogs at the park - literally running from the car to the park! It can be tough to get him on leash before he's already there! Hopefully, Animal Services won't find out....

Skally is roaming around the park, but she has found a few acceptable male dogs she finds "interesting". She scampers and barks at them, trying to get them to play with her - but unfortunately, these 7 month - 3 year old pups have the attention span of a peanut, and are more interested in chasing other dogs who have a bit more pep, than this vixen of 13. It's somewhat sad, but she deals with it...her back legs are not what they used to be, and when one tried to mount her (hopefully I will remember Rusty's attempt in this post) her reaction was one of pain, and she left that guy in the dust!

One evening (while it's on my mind...) I came home from work, and she was asleep in the living room. When I found her, she lifted her head, and Rusty was behind her. He had a grin on his face, and when she began to get up, he attempted to mount her - he'll never do that again! That's for sure! I couldn't believe it! He's done this to a couple of other dogs at the park - which is a thing of late - but it's not a habit - at least not yet!

They were so very good in Port Angeles over Christmas, as well. They were mellow, and Skally seemed protective of Mama. Rusty kept close to me. I think Skally has finally bonded with Mums - and Mums is unusually fond of her...can't figure it out - it's another thing of late - Mom liking the dogs....

It seemed that when we walked with Mom, they both really enjoyed themselves no matter where we went. But with only me, they wanted only to walk short distances, and then we went back for them to check on her. I guess they suspect something, but I'm not sure what that might be yet.

Now, Rusty is receiving all sorts of compliments on his weight loss. It has been pretty good. However, with the inclement weather, of late, he hasn't exactly been too fond of going out- although he did tolerate the snow, slush and ice - but it wasn't something he charged about while walking...

Now, Rusty isn't always on leash any more. He is for the truly busy streets, but then I let him off, so we might maintain a normal pace. This was good, as he pulled against the leash not wanting to walk with us - then without it, he seems to be wanting to go faster! However, he is beginning to get that "explorer" gene activated, and this may mean less time off leash.

This morning, as we walked through the school yard, I had gone nearly 1/2 way around through the heavy fog, when I stopped - neither of them was anywhere close. So, I waited and I listened. After a couple of minutes, I heard Skally's tags shaking along the path - signifying a galloping trot. She reached me and passed me, while I gave her wet back a rub. Rusty, though was missing. I gave a "squirrel call" for him, and then I heard some heavy breathing from across the yard. Then I saw him at full-run (this was unusual) and he came bounding up to me and then past me as he slowed to a walk. Hmmmmmm.

So, it would seem that his rehab has worked, and it continues. They are both ravenous of late (Skally hasn't eaten this well and frequently in quite some time), and they love their walks - they pack up against me while I ready myself.....

They even pack up at the park at times. When Skally is trying to court another dog, Rusty, many times, intervenes and breaks it up - under the illusion that Skally is trying to fend off unwanted advances - well, she's the one making them, so she lets him know, but he's not yet that savvy...or he just won't share her. :)

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