End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Breath of Spring

I only just discovered this.  I felt it a good thing to post, even if events present here are no longer the same.  It gives new breath and helps with closure.

The Winter has ceased.  The gloom and pall of death still lingers a bit.  But there is a new energy guiding the pups at home.

Rusty has taken over as the Alpha in the house - odd, but true.  This sage, laid-back guy has become more and more assertive since the passing of Skally.

Not one of these pups is the same, now, that she is no longer keeping watch over them.

Here's what's changed, thus far:
1)  Our walks are shorter.
     Simon doesn't always go for walks in the morning, nor does Rusty.  Instead, they seem to enjoy resting while Sammy and I hit the 'hood.

2)  Cuddle Sessions Are A Must!
      Rusty demands more attention, now, and will nose his way (forcefully, I must say) to me and shove the others out.  Simon loves being rubbed, as he always did, but now he demands more.  Samson crawls up on my chest and licks my face (Curse you Candy Crush Soda Saga - I cannot do both!).
So, lots of love going around.

3)  Don't Bump Rusty!
     This means you mayn't bump, touch, cross closely in front of, hit, knock down, annoy, tease, or do anything that Rusty mightn't like.  If you do, there is a nasty snarl/bark, and his jaws come crashing down on whatever he can get his jaws on.  Oh, yes!  That loving fluff o' fur is standing up for his rights, now.

4)  Samson cannot sleep without Pig-Pig, Timmy Mouse, Ricky Racoon, and Hammie Hedgehog.
5)  Rusty will chomp on your fingers while playing as you attempt to tie your shoes.
6)  Simon hates his new leg brace.  We'll be trying it on every day and leaving it on a bit just to get him used to it.  But, rather than walking away with it, he goes down and refuses to rise and walk.  He's stubborn.

They're all stubborn.

Sammy is frightened of both Rusty and Simon, now.  I've no idea why.  He plays a great deal in the small dog paddock at the park, watched over by his "aunties", who dote on him and try to have him play with their little uns.

This should begin a flow of new and exciting adventures - and we will see in the near future.

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