End of Week One

End of Week One
A Happier and Haler Rusty-Farian

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Becoming a dog

After a very long walk in the morning, which Rusty seemed to really enjoy, I was impressed. He is becoming more and more of a dog. He is lifting his leg, doing a paw wipe after pees and poops, and playing well with most other dogs. He really seems to enjoy the park!

I had a chat with Skally and Rusty on Sunday. There still seems to be something missing in their relationship - that there truly is one - and if we're going to be a successful pack, this needs to stop!

I explained to Skally and Rusty that they both have different jobs. Skally's is to hunt, and Rusty's is to herd. They might need to figure out how they are going to blend the two so they can play, but that is up to them.

So, later, after returning from Sunday dinner, I gave them both their chew bones. They lay quite close to each other. I stayed in the room, sat down and watched - just in case. Success!

Yesterday, Monday, I noticed there was a little more interplay between them. And when we got to the park, they sort of stuck around each other. In fact, at one point, whilst I was at the picnic table jabbering with Victor, Aaron and other dog owners, I noticed they were laying side-by-side. Could this mean progress? I surely hope so!

Rusty was attacked by Muffin, a small mixed breed, when Muffin brought his ball over by Rusty and Rusty dared to sniff it. I was impressed that Rusty fought back - but he wasn't quite as spry as the 35 pounder, and his ear was slightly chewed - but no blood, and he seemed shaken, but not stirred.

This morning, though, Rusty kept shaking his head as though something was amiss in his ear. He was much slower this morning, and although we took a shorter walk (he and Skally really played hard last night), he kept shaking his head, which worries me.

Upon our return, I did a little cleaning with some ear swabs, and there was dirt. I mean dirt! I got a bit out, and the shaking stopped. Hopefully this was all it was, but I need to keep watching.

Now that order seems to have come to our little manse, Skally is being a little mischievous, and it does my heart so much good. Now, before we eat and I head out, they are resting happily.

Life is good.

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